Fuel Systems in the Gasoline Engines


Whether the solenoid injectors are working properly; it is done by measuring the fuel returned from each injector. Injectors are controlled by measuring the amount of the fuel coming from the return ends on them. For that, a measuring apparatus containing 4 tubes with hose connection scale is used. Each hose is replaced clearly – carefully by removing return hoses of injectors. (NOTE: That test isn’t done in the Piezo injectors, return line of this system has 10 bars.)

How to test injectors return hoses?

The engine is started (for 2 minutes and at 4 full throttle), injectors returning from the injectors are filled into tubes, amont of fuel in the tubes is measured. Amount of fuel in the tubes has to be the same and shouldn’t cross the certain value (for example; range 35-50 ml).


If any injector sends more fuels into the return line, control valf of its injector is broken. In that situation, that injector should replace, fuel filtre is controlled and replaced. Fuel tank should controlled whether it is dirty, if it is dirty, it should replace.

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